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Finding The Perfect Christmas Tree in Wellesley & the Metrowest Area!

by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants

FA LA LA LA LA....It's time for Christmas decorating!

"The most enduring traditions of the season are best enjoyed in the warm embrace of kith and kin. Thith tree is a thymbol of the the thspirit of the Griswold family Chrithmath," Clark W. Griswold says as he stands with his family, frozen, in front of the perfect Christmas tree."

- Scene from 1989 Classic "Christmas Vacation"

Don't you just love the smell of a fresh cut Christmas Tree in your home?  Well, if you're like us, you can't wait to get your Christmas Tree up, trimmed and the rest of your home decorated for this wonderful season. Searching for your perfect tree is a family tradition....along with eggnog and cookies.

Here in Wellesley MA, we are blessed to have so many Christmas Tree Farms and Stands from which to choose the perfect tree for your home.  Here are some Christmas Tree Farms in Wellesley that would proudly help you select the perfect one:

 St. John the Evangelist at 9 Glen Rd. in Wellesley Hills on Dec. 4 from 9am-5pm

Boy Scout Troop 185, which sells its trees at 888 Worcester St (Rte. 9 east) next to St. James the Great Church Friday Dec. 10 5-8pm, Saturday, Dec. 11 8am-8pm, Sunday, Dec 12, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

Hunnewell Farm on Rte. 16 west of Wellesley College

Belkin Family Lookout Farm -89 Pleasant St, Natick, MA


Wellesley MA Thanksgiving Traditions

by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants

Don't you just love this time of year?  Yes it's crisp and cool, but it's also filled with excitement for the upcoming holidays and events. In Wellesley and the local area, we have many events that have become Holiday Traditions:

* Thanksgiving Day is a given...the Wellesley High School VS Needham High School football game! This is always a great much pride in each of the schools and battling for the bragging rights in the Metrowest area.

* New this year..The 5K Turkey Trot, taking place Nov 22nd. and is a Run Against Cancer event. The Turkey 5 will start and end at Linden Square, heading through the Wellesley College campus and a mini-version of the famous Boston Marathon Scream Tunnel in between.

* The Wellesley Marketplace- a collection of 170 shopkeepers and artists that are showcased to more than 2,200 holiday shoppers each year. This wonderful collection features gifts for the home, boutique style children's apparel, toys, gourmet treats, artisan jewelry and other specialty merchandise. This event is  Nov 23rd at 9:00am at the Wellesley Middle School.

* Wellesley College presents..."Thankful For What We Got".  A program filled with Hot Swing, Rhythm & Blues, Salsa and Sambas, Funk, Rock and more, Nov 22nd, 7-8pm.

* The Festival of Trees- The Massachusetts Horticultural Society presents it's 5th Annual Festival of Trees display. Opening on Nov. 29th. The event also includes horse-drawn hayrides at 12:15..

 Have some fun and get out and enjoy all that Wellesley and the Metrowest Area has to offer!

How to Keep Warm and Save Money in Your Wellesley or Metrowest Home This Winter

by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants

1. Clean Your Furnace

 A clean furnace is an efficient and happy furnace. If you’re looking to save money on energy bills, you should start with having your furnace checked and cleaned. Clearing dust and other build up out of the furnace will help the furnace more effectively heat your home during the winter months.

2. Change Your Air Filter

Air filters need to be changed on your furnace regularly. Dirty filters block airflow and can result in system failures and pollutants in your home. So for about $20 keep your home furnace running efficiently and pollutants to a minimum.

3. Use Your Ceiling Fans

While this may sound counter-intuitive, using your ceiling fans during the winter helps push that warm air that lingers on your base floor to move  upwards into the living area's of your home. You'll ultimately save money by not having to hike up that temperature!

4. Use Washing Machines and Dishwashers Wisely

When doing your laundry, make sure that you are doing only "full" loads at any given time.  Laundering daily with partial loads ends up wasting energy. Same goes for having a full dishwasher and not a half-empty one.

5. Use Compact Fluorescent Lighting

Fluorescent lighting has improved greatly over the past few years and they use half of the energy of incandescent bulbs and last longer!

6. Keep Shades Up and Blinds Open

Open up those blinds and shades and harness the natural energy and light from the sun!  This also cuts down on heating costs and closing them at night keeps the temperatures in the house consistent and warm

7. Insulate Your Water Heater

Insulation is important in older water heaters because it helps retain heat and reduces energy bills.  Also, remember to change the mode of your unit if you will be gone from the home for more than a few days.

8. Install and Use a Programmable Thermostat

If you're goal is to truly save money this winter season, then switch out those old thermostats for the new programmable ones which allow you to program the temperatures by individual floors/levels.  They are easy to install and give you the flexibility to lower or raise the temperatures based on where you are in the home.  Great for sleeping at night too!

9. Light A Candle

Light a candle on a windy day and walk through your home looking for air leaks.  Once you've identified them, seal the areas so that you won't be losing your heat.

10. Ensure duct work is properly sealed

Hot and cold air alike can be lost in improperly sealed and insulated duct work.  Give us a call and we'll give you the name of a reputable HVAC individual in your area to evaluate your homes needs.

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