FA LA LA LA LA....It's time for Christmas decorating!

"The most enduring traditions of the season are best enjoyed in the warm embrace of kith and kin. Thith tree is a thymbol of the the thspirit of the Griswold family Chrithmath," Clark W. Griswold says as he stands with his family, frozen, in front of the perfect Christmas tree."
- Scene from 1989 Classic "Christmas Vacation"
Don't you just love the smell of a fresh cut Christmas Tree in your home? Well, if you're like us, you can't wait to get your Christmas Tree up, trimmed and the rest of your home decorated for this wonderful season. Searching for your perfect tree is a family tradition....along with eggnog and cookies.
Here in Wellesley MA, we are blessed to have so many Christmas Tree Farms and Stands from which to choose the perfect tree for your home. Here are some Christmas Tree Farms in Wellesley that would proudly help you select the perfect one:
St. John the Evangelist at 9 Glen Rd. in Wellesley Hills on Dec. 4 from 9am-5pm
Boy Scout Troop 185, which sells its trees at 888 Worcester St (Rte. 9 east) next to St. James the Great Church Friday Dec. 10 5-8pm, Saturday, Dec. 11 8am-8pm, Sunday, Dec 12, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Hunnewell Farm on Rte. 16 west of Wellesley College
Belkin Family Lookout Farm -89 Pleasant St, Natick, MA