
We need your help! Please fill out this brief survey regarding your recent experience with Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants. Your response is important to us and will help us create new, improved services that you and other clients will receive during future real estate transactions with us.

Please answer each question openly and honestly. Thank you.


1.   Please select the number that is most descriptive of the service you received from us, 1 being unsatisfactory, 3 being average, and 5 being excellent. If a subject is not applicable, please leave it blank.


2.   Do you feel that we adequately explained the real estate process and what you could expect during each phase of the process?

3.   Do you feel that we really cared about you and your real estate needs?     

4.   In comparison to other Realtors® you have worked with, the quality of our real estate service is:

5.   Did you see the benefits in the team approach we implement?    

While almost 90% of our business is referral based, the internet has dramatically changed how individuals now start their home search process, which is on the web. In an effort to help build our internet presence we'd love for you to write a brief testimonial of the service we provided you.