If you're like most of us Yankee's, you love getting out and enjoying the Fall weather in our magnificent part of the U.S. It really doesn't get much better than New England, we've been blessed with some of the best scenery and it behooves us to get out of our city cubby holes and explore and enjoy the magnificent Fall foliage.
Since we do this every year we rack up some serious miles in the car and when the grandkids are along I like to find new iphone apps and movies for them to watch so they aren't getting too bored with all our "ooh's and ahh's" at the fantastic colors we pass along the way. While checking some new apps out this year I came across some fantastic ones for us! And you guessed it....they are for checking out Fall Foliage in New England (well some help you with general directions...but who cares...they're still helpful in our quest)! So of course we have to share them with you and I know you're going to get a kick out of using them and find them helpful in general too. Enjoy!

If you have any apps you'd like to review or share with us, post them to our Facebook page. We'd love to hear about them! As always.....if you're looking to buy or sell a home in the Metrowest area we are always here to help in any way we can.
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