Tuesday, April 5, 2016
by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants
Restoration of the “American Legion Building” in Natick’s Historic District

Natick, a historic community just outside of Boston, is a popular place to call home for many reasons-- excellent schools, great shopping, a community organic farm, rich culture, and a prime location that is only a half hour from Boston. Downtown you will find an abundance of impressive red brick buildings, retail stores, restaurants, and beautiful broad streets. This is Natick’s burgeoning Historic District, another one of the many reasons why Natick consistently remains on the list of one of the best places to live!
Last month Stonegate Group- a real estate development company, announced plans to revitalize the former American Legion Building at 13 West Central Street, a landmark in the Historic District. This is exciting news for the community of Natick, as this once beautiful building has been vacant for the last several years. Stonegate Group’s restoration will involve maintaining the character & architecture of the building, including keeping and/or restoring the original facade and reconditioning the original brickwork. Within this development, Natick’s residents and visitors will enjoy restaurants, four retails spaces, underground parking, and eleven housing units. All of these additions will continue to add to the dynamic downtown area.
This project will not mark the end of the growth downtown Natick is experiencing by any means. The
Natick Center Cultural District has been awarded a series of grants for 2016 and 2017 that aim to attract new artists and cultural ventures, and to continue to encourage new business developments. In a sense, this is a only the beginning of a growth expansion for our wonderful downtown of Natick, MA.
We will continue to keep you updated on the happenings in Natick! Visit our Blog and Facebook page for updates.
If you'd like information about Buying, Selling or Investing in Real Estate in the Natick, MA community, please give Team Lynch a call at 617-894-5278. You can also visit our website at www.teamlynchrealestate.com