There is one thing that almost every single person strives for in life…. HAPPINESS! And we are HAPPY to announce that NEEDHAM (#3) and WELLESLEY (#7) made the top ten!!
So how do you determine what makes people happy? It has to be how much money they have, right? NO!! To come up with the list of happiest towns in Massachusetts, career expert Zippa took 115 towns over 2,000 people and used SEVEN pieces of criteria to analyze... (1) being well educated, (2) having a job, (3) short commute to work, (4) low cost of living, (5) having a family, (6) owning a home, and (7) low poverty rate.
Research found that Needham (with a population of 29,540) has 80.2% of it’s people owning a home and 62.6% of the adult population is married. Being situated only ten miles from Boston and having five train stops throughout town, also makes Needham an excellent city for commuters! In the beautiful tree-lined town of Wellesley (population of 28,858), 78% own a home and 54.6% of adults are married. This community was also recently named one of the “Best Places to Live,” with its high quality of education in Wellesley’s public school being a large contributor to that.
Congrats to Needham and Wellesley for making your communities such HAPPY places to live!
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If you are interested in Buying, Selling or Investing in Needham, Wellesley, or any other Metrowest Communities, give Team Lynch a call or visit our website at: www.teamlynchrealestate.com