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Selling your Wellesley & Metrowest Boston Home

by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants


It's spring and you've always been told that this is the perfect time to put your Wellesley or Metrowest home on the market. That's TRUE, but what else should you focus on to insure that your home sells quickly; at the highest possible price? Here are a few things to consider when you're looking objectively at your Metrowest Home:

You know you have an incredible house that you've put your loving touch into, but what else can you let potential Buyer's know?

 1. Are you living in an area with spectacular views of wooded lands, water, historical significance?

 2. What is your neighborhood like? Is it extra friendly where neighbor helps neighbor when someone's in need?

 3. Your local schools....what are they like, can you highlight something specific with the teachers, teaching philosophy, awards?

 4. Do you have outdoor living space? Great patio or deck, outside stove for cooking summer meals, plenty of space for entertaining?

5. Is your yard exceptionally large or beautifully landscaped?

6. Do you have a corner lot?

 7. Have you recently put on a new roof, siding, shingles, windows?

Then look inside your home and do the same.

 1. Do you have a fireplace and hearth that is different than many they may see in other homes?

 2. What about your kitchen, the heart of your home? Granite or Marble Countertops? Designed by a Home Interior Professional? Center island with vegetable sink?

 3. Is your home friendly to the environment? Have you used energy efficient windows & doors, do you have solar panels, is the flooring bamboo or cork?

 4. What about storage space, mud rooms, bonus rooms?

 5. Are there beautiful hardwood floors under your carpets?


 The graph above shows the percentage of home buyers that felt these "Hidden Gems" were worth every penny they cost in the overall sales price of a home.

 These are all things that you want to highlight about your home, that shows the buyer the difference and special "gems" in your home versus other ones they may look at... and why your home is the only one they'll want to buy. At Team Lynch Real Estate, we look at all these special selling points with you to develop a marketing strategy that optimizes these features and in turn highlights them for potential buyers.

 If you plan to put your Wellesley or Metrowest home on the market  this spring, NOW IS THE TIME. Give us a call and we'll be happy to come to your home and evaluate all these points with you, and share up to date market conditions here in Wellesley & Metrowest Boston. Buying & Selling homes in the Metrowest area is what we do best! We've lived her our entire lives, and participate in many community projects and events. We have also received the many awards this past year including International President's Elite, joining the top 1% of sales associates both nationally & Internationally, along with the NAR Green Designation. That means a team of Metrowest Community / Real Estate Experts', with exceptional local knowledge, great technology and the most current real estate information, will give your home the exposure and fast sale you deserve.


How to Stage a Successful Open House for Your Wellesley or Metrowest Home

by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants


Hosting a successful Open House isn't  rocket science...but there are some tips I can share that will make it a success!

 Advertise....a lot!  You want everyone to know, so newspapers, flyers and definitely online!

2. Put out LOTS of signage.  This may sound like a given, but it's so important.  Signs should go all over, and not just in your own neighborhood.

3. Invite your neighbors. Yes, you heard that right..and they want to come anyway!

4. Sign-in Sheet. This will allow you to follow up with anyone that came through, and follow-up is key!

5. Give a Take-away.  Make sure you have a flyer with photos and all the pertinent information.

6. Set the time for the Open.  Since most people expect open houses to be on Sunday afternoon, take advantage of that fact and maximize your success.

7. Food & Water.  Although these are not necessary, the smell of fresh baked cookies always make people feel like they're at "home".  Water is necessary because many people will have been out all afternoon.

8. Lighting. You need to make sure your home looks light and bright. Open blinds, turn on lights in darker rooms and play up the special points of your home.

9. Be Prepared.  Make sure you are organized in all aspects and you start on time! You should also check that you have toilet paper on the rolls just in case someone needs to use your bathroom.

10. Have a bright and cheery disposition. If you love your home it be genuinely enthusiastic so each person who visits feels the same.

Wellesley & Metrowest Boston First Time Home Buyer Facts

by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants

Wellesley & Metrowest Boston....Should You Rent Your Home If It Doesn't Sell?

by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants

This week I'm going to tackle the age old question.....should I rent my home out, if it doesn't sell?  A recent study did show that 39% of sellers prefer to rent out their last residence than sell it when purchasing a new home. With many homeowners refinancing at a low rate, and the housing market struggling with low inventory, the amount you could charge for rentals has gone up. 


If you are a residential real estate investor, than this tactic makes sense.  However, if you really don't want to become a landlord and are only looking at it as a way to purchase your new home, while covering the mortgage on the original home...then you need to ask yourself these questions:

 1.)  How will you respond if your tenant says they can't afford to pay the rent this month because of more pressing obligations? (This happens most often during holiday season and back-to-school time when families with children have extra expenses).

2.) Because of the economy, many homeowners can no longer make their mortgage payment. What percent of tenants do you think can no longer afford to pay their rent?

3.) Have you interviewed a few experienced eviction attorneys in case a challenge does arise?

4.) Have you talked to your insurance company about a possible increase in premiums as liability is greater in a non-owner occupied home?

5.) Will you allow pets? Cats? Dogs? How big a dog?

6.) How will you actually collect the rent? By mail? In person?

7.) Repairs are part of being a landlord. Who will take tenant calls when necessary repairs arise?

8.) Do you have a list of crafts people readily available to handle these repairs?

9.) How often will you do a physical inspection of the property?

10.) Will you alert your current neighbors that you are renting the house?

Once you have answered these questions, you will be in a good position to decide what is best for you and your family.  

(Information courtesy of KCMBLOG)

Making the most of the Wellesley MA Winter Weather!

by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants

This winter has been especially tough for the greater Boston area. This has been one of the coldest winters in the past two decades, making it difficult to get out an enjoy the Wellesley & the Metrowest area and the great outdoor activities in neighboring states.

I decided to change that and take my family on their first ski Sunday River.  My children are young, and seeing them bravely put on their ski's and slowly go down the hill was a moment I had to capture on video.  Their faces and body movements really tell the story of their first ski trip, and both my wife and I proudly watched as they would tenaciously keep trying to master the skill.

Too many times we get bogged down with our jobs and other things that demand so much of our time, but don't let that happen.  Your job will still receive your 100% effort without working 24 hours a day and the other commitments can wait.  Our children grow up too fast, not to make these wonderful memories with them.

I hope you all have a chance to enjoy what's left of the winter weather and make memories of your own. 

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