Thursday, January 30, 2014
by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants
Although the Super Bowl is not going to be as much fun this year, with our beloved New England Patriots out of contention, we are still going to "whoop it up" and have a great time. Like always, we are going to decorate, and make lots of great food....but we are also adding a great dimension by having our own TEAM LYNCH SUPER BOWL PARTY CONTEST! What does that entail, you ask? Not a whole lot, we came up with the set of questions below to have all our family, friends and acquaintances answer and post their answers to our Facebook Page by Saturday, February 1 at 5:00 pm. Make sure to LIKE US ON FACEBOOK when you're there!
We challenge all of you to have the most correct answers!

1.Which team will win, and what will be the final score of game?
2. Who will be the Super Bowl MVP?
3. Who will be ahead at half time, and what will the score be?
4. Which Team will have the most rushing yards? How many?
5. Which QB will throw the most touchdown passes, and how many will he throw?

We all have our favorite party foods, but let's face it....if you serve'll go down in Super Bowl Food history!! Add in a few other appetizers, sweets and a fabulous, signature Super Bowl cocktail, and you'll be on your way to having the Best Super Bowl party ever!!

Let's face've got a ton of choices here, so we went with some of the basics. But get creative, and have some fun!

What are your predictions for the game???